July Saturday Meeting

Our Events
Date: Saturday, July 22, 2023 10:00 AM

Venue: Sullivan Senior Center at 88 East Albert Street in Torrington

The Northwestern Connecticut Torrington Area Parkinson's Support Group welcomes people with Parkinson's disease and their care partners, their family and friends, and other interested parties to participate in monthly meetings at the Sullivan Senior Center at 88 East Albert Street in Torrington.

Good Day, TAPSG Friends,

We will meet tomorrow, Saturday, July 22 at 10 AM to noon at the Sullivan Senior Center, 88 East Albert Street, Torrington.

Our speaker was suddenly called to London and will not be able to address us tomorrow, so we have planned a substitute program. We will view a webinar from the Davis Phinney Foundation on Gait, Balance and Falling. This issue affects all people at one time or another, but people with Parkinson's in particular. The program is a discussion among people with PD, their experiences and suggestions for fall prevention.

At our meeting, we will also discuss the upcoming walk on September 17th at White Memorial Conservation Center at noon. We'll need volunteers for a variety of stations and will ask for volunteers to take those jobs. We will bring signs, posters and registration forms for those who need them.

Please continue to seek raffle prizes. The most popular items are restaurant and grocery gift cards. I'd appreciate it if you would email me to let me know what you have gathered so far and the name of the donor. I keep a master list, which I use to create tags for the bags on the raffle table, so I need to know the items at least a week before the walk.

Here is a zoom link should you need to attend virtually. But I hope all will attend in person to socialize with others in the group.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 8932 2507
Passcode: 464372

Finally, I am attaching a flyer for the upcoming symposium at Hartford Hospital on July 29. Follow the directions for registering if you are interested in attending.

Have a great day. We'll see you tomorrow.


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88 East Albert Street, Torrington CT 06790



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