Those who have Parkinsons disease, their caregivers, family, friends, and other interested parties
By providing education, resources and support for our Parkinsons community
We fill a local need for new information on and solutions related to Parkinson's disease.
We provide non-biased, non-partisan support and education for those effected by Parkinsons disease.
About Us
Torrington Area Parkinsons Support GroupThe Northwestern Connecticut Torrington Area Parkinson's Support Group welcomes people with Parkinson's disease and their care partners, their family and friends, and other interested parties to participate in monthly meetings at the Sullivan Senior Center at 88 East Albert Street in Torrington.
Join Our Monthly Meetings
Meetings run 10 AM to noon and include an educational component, business announcements, exercise for people with Parkison's (PWP) and a support group for care partners. ( check our calendar)
Meetings include speakers from health care professions and local support services organizations, as well as separate group sessions for both the caregiver and caretaker.
Zoom link for the meeting should you need to attend virtually.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 8932 2507BR Passcode: 464372
Events Calendar
Click Here For A Full List Of Our Activities
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | |
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Dear TAPSG Members,
Our meeting tomorrow will begin as close to 10AM as we can muster. Our speaker is from Supernus Pharmaceuticals. The rep has arranged for a doctor and patient to speak, so I hope we'll have a full house. He also promised gourmet bagels, so you may want to bring a bagel baggie just in case.
Here is a message from Kelly Kearney who coordinated the technology for last week's webinar. The link is below for those who were unable to view it live.
Thank you for joining us last Saturday for the "Parkinson's Journey" webinar. We’re so grateful for your participation and engagement in this important discussion.
For those who couldn’t attend, or who wish to revisit the session, the webinar recording is now available at https://curenowpd.org/webinar. On this page, you’ll also find the slide deck and a list of valuable resource links shared during the presentation.
We also want to thank you for your patience as we navigated a live audience and a webinar, concurrently.
We’d like to extend a heartfelt "thank you" to our incredible speakers:
- Dr. J. Antonelle “Toni” deMarcaida, Hartford Healthcare
- Steve DeWitte
- Sue Pelchat
- Dr. Sule Tinaz, Yale School of Medicine
- Dr. Sophie Holmes, Yale School of Medicine
Their insights and expertise made this webinar both inspiring and informative.
We hope you found the session valuable and encourage you to stay connected with us as we continue to work together to improve the journey for people with Parkinson’s.
Warm regards,
Kelly Kearney
Hugs from the heart tomorrow, I have a cold and don't want to share that with anyone.
Save the Date - Sunday Sept 15th, 2024

Championing Parkinson’s Research!

Thank you for your dedication to Fox Insight. With over 20,000 participants, you are part of the largest Parkinson’s disease (PD) research study in the world! Every time you log in to Fox Insight and fill out surveys, you are providing doctors, researchers, and drug developers with information to better understand Parkinson’s from the true PD experts—patients and their families.
Join Our Monthly Meetings

Meetings include speakers from health care professions and local support services organizations, as well as separate group sessions for both the caregiver and caretaker..
Did You Know?
- Every 9 minutes an individual is diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease
- 1 in 10 people will have Parkinson's
- There is no “definitive test” that can confirm Parkinson's disease, except after death
- Parkinson's is not just your "grandparent's" disease or for "old" people
- Currently there is "no cure" for Parkinson's
- Medication can substitute for the missing dopamine, but it is only a temporary solution
- There are 60,000 new cases of Parkinson's Disease a year
- The total cost to the nation is estimated to exceed $6 Billion annually
- Without more federal funding for research to find a cure for Parkinson's, the numbers of Parkinson patients will only increase each year
Free Exercise Program For Members

Exercise is the only thing known to slow disease progression. To that end, TAPSG offers an exercise program free of charge to members. A physician's referral and pre-screening by Hartford Health Care's PT staff is required before beginning the program.
Torrington Connecticut Area Parkinsons Support Group is sponsored by the Sullivan Senior Center, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital and the Connecticut American Parkinsons Disease Association.




Our Gallery.
Here Are Photos From Events Held Over The Years View All -- >Latest Update.
Some Of The Recent StoriesADPA Connecting Through Art - Summer Series
Connecting through art is a creative art program that offers people with PD the space and ability to express emotiuons and feelings and daily concerns through art.
APDA Optimism Walk- Saturday, September 30, 2023
Check-in and pre-event activities begin at 10:00 amCeremony is at 11:00 am - Walk to follow Location: Sherwood State Park Pavilion | Sherwood Island Connector | Westport, CT Fundraising is highly encouraged and much appreciated. Earn our great...
Interested in participating in Research and Clinical Trials?
NEW PD RESEARCH STUDYGait and CognitionSacred Heart University Movement Analysis LabContact Dr. Joshua Lander for more information(203)-226-2366 or
July 19th Dr. Gilbert Hosts Genetic testing for Parkinson’s Disease
Live Broadcast: Wednesday, July 19 2 pm ET / 11 am PT Whether you have Parkinson’s disease or have a family member who does, you may have thought about genetic testing. Understandably, many people wonder “if my parent/sibling has PD, will I get it...
Learn about Deep Brain Stimulation Dr. Duarte Machado Wednesday July 12th
Virtual Webinars Our next webinar Learn about Deep Brain Stimulation Deep Brain Stimulation- Is it right for me? Dr. Duarte Machado M.D. will share his expertise in what Deep brain stimulation is, evaluating if DBS is right for you, and follow up...
Walk For Parkinson's Schedule Of The Day
Sunday, September 17, 2023 (rain or shine)SAVE THE DATE... RAIN OR SHINEHELP US SPREAD THE WORD. CONTACT FRIENDS, FAMILY, NEIGHBORS AND CO-WORKERS. POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Help to make this the biggest participation year ever.TWELFTH ANNUAL'Walk in...