The Torrington Area Parkinsons Support Group recently organized to fill a local need for new information on and solutions related to Parkinson's disease. Our meetings are held every fourth Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM at the Sullivan Senior Center located in Torrington. (check our calendar

Meetings include speakers from health care professions and local support services organizations, as well as separate group sessions for both the caregiver and caretaker.

Our Northwestern Connecticut area parkinsons support group meetings are open to those who have Parkinsons disease, their caregivers, their family and friends, and other interested parties.

 For more information contact Sue Pelchat at 860-201-7913 or Ann Quattrocchi at 860-309-6336

Dear TAPSG Members,

I hope you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving and that you're having a stress-free holiday season thus far.

Peter Angerheggen is under the weather and will be unable to present on Saturday. And, given the snow warning through tomorrow morning, I think it advisable to go virtual for tomorrow's meeting.

Below, the screenshot is for those who were interested in a device that checks blood pressure. We talked about it in our support group meeting. If anyone has one and would like to mention how well it works as we pass the microphone, that'd be helpful to others.

Tomorrow's agenda:

"Pass the mic" and share personal information or holiday traditions.
Then stick around for some reindeer games that I'll put together tonight. My plan is that we go into different breakout rooms and get to know some other people we might not have had a chance to visit wiith before. I'll prime the pump with holiday chatter in an activity called "This or That."

Looking forward to being together again.

1) Tomorrow's meeting will begin at 10:00AM. You may sign in starting at 9:50. Use this link, same as always...

2) Caregiver support will occur virtually following our holiday games for those who wish to participate.

3) Tim may be on hand to lead exercises virtually.

4) The TAPSG Board (Ro, Joe, Jose, Vic, Carol, Mary and Sue) will meet following the TAPSG group meeting to discuss outcomes of the Prudential Marathon.

I think that's it. Thanks for your patience, God isn't finished with me yet.




Why We Walk for Parkinson's Research

The Walk in the Woods for Parkinson's raises funds to support Parkinson's research, to increase awareness of PD, which affects 6.3 million people around the world, and to provide support for local people who struggle daily with Parkinson's disease. 1 in 100 people over the age of 60 will be affected by Parkinson's disease. We hope to educate the public about PD and help those affected by it. Through our first seven walks, we have raised approximately $130,000 to help area citizens with PD and to donate to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. We hope to increase our contributions for research and expand our support of TAPSG members and families affected by Parkinson's disease. 
TAPSG is a 501C3 non-profit organization.  If you would like to donate, make checks out to TAPSG and mail to:


P. O.  Box  521
Torrington, CT 06790


Championing Parkinson’s Research!

Thank you for your dedication to Fox Insight. With over 20,000 participants, you are part of the largest Parkinson’s disease (PD) research study in the world! Every time you log in to Fox Insight and fill out surveys, you are providing doctors, researchers, and drug developers with information to better understand Parkinson’s from the true PD experts—patients and their families. Read the first issues of the Click to read the newsletter. We will circulate two issues each year to keep you informed about study findings, updates, and new opportunities for participation. 

Did You Know?

  • Every 9 minutes an individual is diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease
  • 1 in 10 people will have Parkinson's
  • There is no “definitive test” that can confirm Parkinson's disease, except after death
  • Parkinson's is not just your "grandparent's" disease or for "old" people
  • Currently there is "no cure" for Parkinson's
  • Medication can substitute for the missing dopamine, but it is only a temporary solution
  • There are 60,000 new cases of Parkinson's Disease a year
  • The total cost to the nation is estimated to exceed $6 Billion annually
  • Without more federal funding for research to find a cure for Parkinson's, the numbers of Parkinson patients will only increase each year


Torrington Connecticut Area Parkinsons Support Group is sponsored by the Sullivan Senior Center, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital and the Connecticut American Parkinsons Disease Association.

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The Mission of the Torrington Area Parkinson’s Support Group is to maximize strength, minimize disability and achieve and maintain full potential of people with Parkinson’s and their caretakers.

Do You have Question? Call Or Visit us.

Meeting Location
Sullivan Senior Center

88 East Albert Street, Torrington, CT 06790
Mail To: 
P. O.  Box  521
Torrington, CT 06790



Radio Parkies every Tuesday at noon with Connecticut's own "DJ Pete" aka Peter Northrop, CLICK HERE