Virtual Webinars

Our next webinar

Learn about Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep Brain Stimulation- Is it right for me?

Dr. Duarte Machado M.D. will share his expertise in what Deep brain stimulation is, evaluating if DBS is right for you, and follow up care post DBS surgery- and what you can expect should you decide to pursue DBS as a way to manage Parkinson's disease motor symptoms.

Dr. Duarte Machado

 webinar dr duarte machado july 2023 medtronic 1686755042

Wednesday July 12th



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The Mission of the Torrington Area Parkinson’s Support Group is to maximize strength, minimize disability and achieve and maintain full potential of people with Parkinson’s and their caretakers.

Do You have Question? Call Or Visit us.

Sullivan Senior Center
88 East Albert Street, Torrington, CT 06790



Radio Parkies every Tuesday at noon with Connecticut's own "DJ Pete" aka Peter Northrop, CLICK HERE