Gait and Cognition
Sacred Heart University Movement Analysis Lab
Contact Dr. Joshua Lander for more information
(203)-226-2366 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Do you have Parkinson’s disease and symptoms of depression?
Yale University
Take part in this research to help in the discovery of new treatments for those
fighting against Parkinson’s disease.
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call or text: (475) 287-9521


Yale Sleep Study Parkinson’s Disease and REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Yale Study For information, please get in touch with our Research Coordinator, Camalene Chrysostoum, at (203) 785-2285 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Better Hearing & Speech Month SPEAK OUT! is an effective program that combines education, individual, and group voice therapy. Sacred Heart University offers this program “FREE”! Please contact Cristina M. Pino, M.A., CCC-SLP at: pinoc5@sac



University of Connecticut, Department of Kinesiology, Program in Physical Therapy.

Participants wanted for a research study: Improving Gait and Quality of life in people with Parkinson’s disease through enhanced gait training. Call 860-486-9555 to learn more

 People with Parkinson’s disease or other forms of parkinsonism have a much higher risk of hip and other fractures. Consider joining a virtual study where you can participate entirely from the comfort of your own home. TOPAZ (Trial of Parkinson’s and Zoledronic Acid) will test if zoledronate, can prevent fractures in people with Parkinson’s disease or other forms of parkinsonism, whether or not they have osteoporosis. You could receive $100 upon enrollment and $50 pear year during the study. For more information, please visit TOPAZstudy.orgor call us directly at (415) 317-5748.


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The Mission of the Torrington Area Parkinson’s Support Group is to maximize strength, minimize disability and achieve and maintain full potential of people with Parkinson’s and their caretakers.

Do You have Question? Call Or Visit us.

Meeting Location
Sullivan Senior Center

88 East Albert Street, Torrington, CT 06790
Mail To: 
P. O.  Box  521
Torrington, CT 06790



Radio Parkies every Tuesday at noon with Connecticut's own "DJ Pete" aka Peter Northrop, CLICK HERE